Impacts of climate change, variability and adaption strategies on agriculture in semi-arid areas in Tanzania

dc.contributor.authorLema, Mary Abiud
dc.descriptionAvailable in print copyen_US
dc.description.abstractClimate change is among key challenges affecting agriculture in Sub Saharan Africa particularly in semi-arid areas. Impacts of climate change and variability (CC&V) and associated adaptations on agriculture were studied in semi arid area of Tanzania. The overall objective of the study was to examine the impacts of CC & V on agriculture and to establish how adaptation and coping strategies could be enhanced. The study was carried out in two villages of Kamenyanga and Kintinku of Manyoni District that represents different semi-arid and socioeconomic characteristics. Secondary data were conducted through literature review. Primary data were collected using PRA methods including; key informant interviews, focus group discussions, household questionnaires and observation. In each village, a sample size of 10 percent of all households was interviewed of which 42 households in Kamenyanga and 41 in Kintinku. Results indicated decreasing rainfall trends and changes in pattern in between 1922 and 2007 while mean maximum and minimum temperature increased by 1.9 °C by 0.2 °C respectively and average annual temperature increased by 0.7 °C in between 1984 and 2004. Local people also perceived changes in rainfall and temperature. The changes have affected crops and livestock in a number of ways resulting in reduced productivity. The study also demonstrated that variations in social groups reflect different levels of vulnerability to impacts of CC & V. The study concluded that, the wealth of knowledge on coping and adaption that farmer has should form a foundation for designing agricultural innovation systems to deal with impacts of CC & V. The study recommended to agricultural extension officer to organize trainings for farmers so as to strengthening and develop their knowledge on climate change and adaptation.en_US
dc.identifier.citationLema, M.A.(2008) Impacts of climate change, variability and adaption strategies on agriculture in semi-arid areas in Tanzania, Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Dar es Salaam.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Dar es Salaamen_US
dc.subjectclimate changeen_US
dc.titleImpacts of climate change, variability and adaption strategies on agriculture in semi-arid areas in Tanzaniaen_US