The impact of strategic planning on the higher education institutional development at the state university of Zanzibar

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University of Dar es Salaam
This study explored the impact of strategic planning on the higher education institutional development, using the case study of the State University of Zanzibar‘s (SUZA) Rolling Strategic Plan in the period of the first five years of its life (2003/04-2007/08). Specifically, the study was guided by three major research questions; namely: To what extent have the strategic objectives stated in the first SUZA‘s strategic plan been achieved? What are the main constraints faced in the implementation of the first SUZA strategic plan? Lastly, what are the impacts of the first SUZA‘s strategic plan on the institutional development in Zanzibar? The qualitative method was used in this study with the case study design. A total of 283 respondents were involved in the study including: Director, Deans of the Faculty, Planning Officer, Human Resource Officer, Heads of Departments, academicians and students (continuing and graduates). Both purposive and random sampling techniques were used to obtain the sample (respondents). The methods of data collection were documentary review, interview, questionnaire and focus group discussions. The findings revealed that the strategic objectives that have been achieved include: increased opportunities for higher education among the people from different backgrounds and enhancement of the publicity of the University. Others are improvement of quality and relevance of all the university programmes. Graduates from SUZA were likewise empowered through acquisition of entrepreneurial skills for self-employment, which invariably made them cope with the dynamics and competitiveness of the market demands. With regard to improvement of students and employees‘ welfare, the university has improved staff welfare while the students‘ welfare remains poor. On the other hand, the strategic objectives that have not been satisfactorily achieved include: building the research capacity, diversification of sources of funds and strengthening efficiency and effectiveness to enable the university produce the desired outputs in the most cost effective manner. The major constrains are lack of funds and awareness of the university plans among the members of the staff. The study concludes that SUZA has tended to focus more attention on the improvement of academic status while ignoring the infrastructure. The failure of most of the strategic objectives has been highly attributed to financial constraints. It is recommended that the State University of Zanzibar has to exploit the potentials of its human resources in doing consultancies with a view of creating funds and supplementing the low government budgetary allocation. Also, the government has to let the Higher Education Institutions freely plan and implement their strategic plans.
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strategic plan, higher education, develop, zanz, zanzibar
Iddi, I.A.(2013). The impact of strategic planning on the higher education institutional development at the state university of Zanzibar. Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Available at (