An assessment of Halotel Tanzania promotional strategies in increasing customer base



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University of Dar es salaam


This study assessed the promotional strategies employed by Halotel Tanzania to create a customer base in an already saturated telecoms market. Specifically, the study intended to examine what promotional strategies Halotel Tanzania deployed to create a customer base in an already competitive business, assess the effectiveness of the promotional strategies Halotel deployed in relation to company performance and find out what made these promotional strategies unique and their implication for marketing telecoms products and services. The study used mixed methods in a case study. Also a survey was employed to support and facilitate data collection from fifty Halotel customers, advertising and promotion agents in Kinondoni Municipality and ten Halotel members of staff. These respondents were selected using convenience and purpose sampling techniques and a questionnaire survey with closed ended questions. The questionnaires were distributed to them and then later on followed unstructured interviews with Halotel members of staff. The data from unstructured interview were subjected to thematic content analysis whereby common themes from interview were identified and interpreted. The IBM Statistical Package for Services Solution (SPSS) version 21 on the other hand, was used to analyse data obtained from closed-ended questionnaires. The study found that, Halotel Tanzania was willing to lower prices, willing to risk and follow new customers to where other MNOs had not yet reached or were not willing to risk. Also, the study found that the firm was resilient in countering and competing with other MNOs that were well-established. Furthermore, the study found that Halotel Tanzania targeted people normally ignored in rural population and Halotel strategically invested their services which resulted in creating a fast growing customer base.


Available in print form, East Africana collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, ( THS EAF HE7601.T34S64)


Infrastructure ( communication), Telecommunication, Electric communication, Halotel, Tanzania


Solla, E. L (2019) An assessment of Halotel Tanzania promotional strategies in increasing customer base, Masters dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam.