Free movement of goods under the legal framework of the East African community: a case study of Rwanda.

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University of Dar es Salaam
The study examined legal issues pertaining to Free Movement of Goods in the East African Community (EAC) using Rwanda as a Case study. Its main objective was to show the importance of free movement of goods in the EAC context. The specific objectives of the study were to: a) Examine the importance of the free movement of goods on Rwanda in terms of Economic Integration within the common market) Establish the effect of the East Court of Justice with power of taking precedence in all matters relating to the East African community over the National Courts of Members States of the community; c) Investigate whether the are Treaty provisions pertaining to increasing some charges on goods in transit under the EAC to import Rwanda`s actions against Tanzania registered tracks. The methodology applied in this study included both field research proved the use of interviews, and library and internet/ online research proved the documentary review. The study was guide by two hypotheses: 1) The East African Community is the Inter-governmental Organization whose free movement of goods under a common market has yet to benefit fully Rwanda and the EAC. 2) There is a weakness in the EAC Member states implementation of the free movement of goods principle as the jurisdiction on Common Market matters is still in the hands of national courts. The study established that the EAC Member states need to harmonize their tax police and laws to bring them in line with the EAC provision. The study also established that there is a need to let the EACJ handle matters pertaining to the community rather than leave them solely in the hands of National Courts of member States which in the case of Rwanda in the hand of the Courts, which in the case of Rwanda have to come to handling those cases. On the basis of these findings, the study among others, recommends the harmonization of EAC tax regimes and reduce tariffs. In addition, EAC member states should let the EAC dispute settlement be developed along the lines of EU Court so that the EACJ handle cases that itself to enhance the dispensation of justice on EAC matters, a course of action that could eventually improve the legality and resolution of cases relating to free movement of goods in EAC.
Available in printed form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF KQC945.K35)
Free trade, Tariff, Economic integration, Africa, Eastern, Rwanda
Kamana, K.J.P (2014) Free movement of goods under the legal framework of the East African community: a case study of Rwanda.Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam.