Development of digital model for the flow studies of Makutupora groundwater basin in Dodoma
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In this work, a model has been developed to study the flow of groundwater in the Makutupara Basin. 'The model uses finite difference method (FUM} with the application of a micro-computer. It is aimed at predicting the water levels at different locations within the basin and the water balance components of the basin at any given point in time. This will ensure an effective management of the groundwater resources of the basin as well as help in making future plans an the uses to which the basin`s groundwater can be put. A review of the different types of Numerical Modelling methods and their relative importance was made. The finite difference method was favoured for use in the study because of its relative simplicity over the other methods. The review of the previous works an the basin since 1954 to date was also made. Based on the analysis of the data obtained by the previous workers at the basin, a hydrological conception or the conceptual model of the basin was produced. This model indicated that the aquifer system of Makutupara basin is confined and that vertical variations in the hydraulic parameters of the basin can be neglected. To ensure the reliability of the Digital-Model in future predictions, it was calibrated by history matching ( ie. by comparing the generated and the measured water levels). The 1988 measurements were used for the calibration. The calibrated model was then used to verify the results obtained during 1989. Guidelines on how to use the model for production runs was also given.