Bioprospecting of some saprophytic wild edible mushrooms from selected natural forests in Tanzania
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University of Dar es Salaam
Tanzania is endowed with diversified topographical features rich in indigenous forests which harbor’s different Saprophytic Wild Edible Mushrooms (SWEM). Few studies have been done on characterizing, domestication, and establish their nutritional potentials. The few studies done on characterizing them used micro-macromorphological features which sometimes fail to delimit the closely related taxa. In this study eight SWEM were collected and characterized using both micro-macromorphological and molecular methods using the Internal Transcribed spacer (ITS) and nuclear Large Subunit (nLSU) region. Additionally, domestication trials, vegetative growth, nutritional and antioxidant statuses of these mushrooms were performed. The generated studied SWEM sequences ITS and nLSU data sets were analyzed together with an additional of 19 GenBank sequences of related taxa in the genera (Lentinus, Polyporus, Panus, Macrolepiota and Auricularia).Morphological characterization proposed them to belong to 8 taxa which were further ascertained by molecular markers. The maximum likelihood analysis results for the two data sets gave superficially similar topologies with different resolutions. ITS and nLSU delineated the SWEM taxa although the ITS sequences portrayed higher resolution of delineating the studied SWEM to species level than LSU. Furthermore, the concateneted ITS and nLSU data set gave similar topologies as that of IT and nLSU but with higher resolutions than that of ITS but lower than nLSU analyzed sequences. In domestication trials, the germplasm of three species out of eight was successfully isolated namely: Pluteusumbrosus, Lentinussajor-caju and Panusconchatus, while only one species L. sajor-caju was successfully domesticated thus giving out palatable fruitbodies` with 18% biological efficiency. Furthermore, vegetative growth on mixed substrates of dried banana leaves 70% and wood shred 30% at different inoculation rate 1%, 3% and 5% in glass columnrevealed the highest colonization rate at 3% spawn inoculation in P. conchatus24.94±0.38 mm/day while the lowest was observed in P. umbrosus 8.17±0.17 mm/day after 6 days of inoculation. Nutritionally, studied SWEM possess high nutritional value such as having less fat content of (1.46-3.26)% while portrayed high antioxidant abilities with EC50 value ranging from 0.08 mg/ml to >0.3 mg/ml. This study shows that SWEM in Tanzanian natural forests are highly nutritious, they can be domesticated and used as an extra source of income to farmers. Nevertheless, more studies are needed to domesticate more species and formulation of the best substrates for the maximum yields.
Available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF QK617.T34R39)
Edible mushrooms, Biogas, Solid sisal waste, Tanzania
Hussein, J.M. (2015) Bioprospecting of some saprophytic wild edible mushrooms from selected natural forests in Tanzania, Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam