Assessment of the effectiveness of public private partnership (PPP) in Tanzania

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University of Dar es Salaam
Globally, the public sector underwent severe period of change in the last two decades particularly in its operations and service delivery. This change of public sector operations was due to delivery of poor services to consumers, poor maintenance of infrastructure such as hospitals, roads, schools etc. This study made an assessment of the effectiveness of PPP in Tanzania. Specifically the objectives were to identify how many projects have used PPP approach in the infrastructure sector, examining the challenges associated with the PPP approach and finally proposing ways of improving the implementation of PPP. This research was exploratory research design where unit of study was PPP projects. Both primary and secondary data were collected using data collection methods such as interview guide and documentary review. Analysis was done using simple descriptive of frequency, percentage and charts. The research is exploratory and qualitative. Effectiveness of PPP in Tanzania was measured using the timeliness in project completion, quality of the service delivered, accountability and the risk appetite of both public and private entities. The research found that there was no effectiveness of PPP arrangement in the projects which were visited. The conclusion reached here is that PPP arrangements in Tanzania have not been effective enough to improve service delivery backlogs to consumers. Hence, modem and effective reform strategies approach has to be used to rescue the situation.
Available in printed form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF HC79.C3T34K65)
Infrastructure (Economics), Public-private sector cooperation, Public-Private Partnership, Tanzania
Komba, P. (2013) Assessment of the effectiveness of public private partnership (PPP) in Tanzania. Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Dar es Salaam.