Measuring building construction project performance in Tanzania: the effect of technical human resources gap

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University of Dar es Salaam
Despite the enormous significance of the construction industry in every country, construction projects fail at an alarming rate of more than 50% worldwide by some estimate. The poor performance is attributed to a number of varying factors. This study has looked at the performance of the building construction projects in Tanzania and explored the effect of the technical human resources gap on the failures, with special attention to the engineering personnel. The study use of available information from a number of reports on the performance of the building construction projects in the country, conducted surveys in a total of 180 on going building construction sites in Dar es Salaam, conducted special survey in 10 selected major on-going building construction sites; also in Dar es Salaam and gathered information from major developers regarding the research topic. Results from this study confirm that poor performance of the building construction projects in Tanzania is about 55% attributed to lack of appropriate engineering personnel both in terms of number and it terms of professional competences. The major recommendations include the need to increase the number of graduates in engineering at the exit levels, improvement of remunerations to engineering personnel as a retention strategy to keep the qualified ones and putting in place of the building regulations and defining the rules more clearly.
Available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF TH437.T34M34)
Construction industry, Building contraction projects
Makani, R. M (2009) Measuring building construction project performance in Tanzania: the effect of technical human resources gap, Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam