Examining application of competition rules in the Tanzanian real estate market

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University of Dar es salaam
This study examines the application of competition rules at the local real estate market where both public and private institutional real estate actors compete for consumers of residential housing units. Specifically, the study identified and examined critically national laws relevant to real estate market and assessed application of competition rules in the real estate market with special reference to Dar es Salaam and Dodoma cities. The study reviewed the Legal Positivism Theory, the Resource-Based Theory, the Supply and Demand Theory and the Fair Competition Theory to assess competition rules in real estate market in Tanzania. This study found that national laws establishing public and private actors in the real estate market are not congruent with competition rules. Non-adherence to competition rules negatively affects the real estate market. The study also found that there is no regulator for the real estate business in the country. Absence of a regulator makes the market for real estate informal. As a result, the market is dominated by restrictive and unfair trade practices which affect the credibility of the sector. The study emphasises on the need to enact a Real Estate Regulation and Development Act which may provide provisions for real estate regulation and development. The Act may also establish a real estate regulator in order to formalise Tanzania real estate sector.
Available in print form, East Africana collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, class mark (THS EAF KRD T34M892)
Competition of rules, Law and legislation, Real estate business (market), Tanzania
Mwashiuya, E T (2019) Examining application of competition rules in the Tanzanian real estate market, Doctoral dissertation , University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam.