The potential use of mangrove constructed wetland for domestic waste water treatment
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University of Dar es Salaam
The potential use of Mangrove Constructed Wetlands (MCWs) as a cheaper and yet effective and appropriate method for nitrogen removal from domestic wastewater of coastal zone in per urban cities, was investigated at different times from August 2006 to March 2007. The study was conducted to determine the optimum inundation time and sewage loading for optimal performance of mangrove constructed wetlands (MCWs).
The experimental plots were constructed at Jangwani beach in Dar es Salaam. The experimental setup consisted of thirty six cells with specification of 3x 3x 1 m. The first set of 12 cells was planted with Avicenna marina, another 12 cells were planted with Rhizophora mucronata and the remaining 12 cells were not planted. For optimal inundation time, most of the nutrients removal (NH4+, TKN and PO4+) was high in four cells within 12 hours. The maximum removal rate of NH4-N, NO3-N and TKN in Avicenna marina cells was 27.13%, 95.75% and 82%, respectively. In Rhizophora mucronata cells, the maximum removal rate of NH4-N, NO3-N and TKN was 50%, 93.20% and 82%, respectively.
The model simulation was performed using STELLA® software and it was found that, the volatilization process was the major removal route of nitrogen in Avicenna marina ells accounting for mean of 17.08% (0.7936 ± 0.5030 mg/m2.c1 -1) while in Rhizophora inucronata, nitrification was the maj al route of Nitrogen accounting for mean or remove of 24.10% (0.3915 ± 0.540 mg/m24-1).
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mangrove, constructed wetland, waste water treatment
Pamba, S.(2008) The potential use of mangrove constructed wetland for domestic waste water treatment, Master dissertation, Dar es Salaam. Dar es Salaam.