Assessment of factors influencing voluntary compliance of procurement management with the public procurement act (PPA) in the public sector: the case study of government ministries involved with engineering services

dc.contributor.authorNgome, Ngome Rajabu
dc.descriptionAvailable in print formen_US
dc.description.abstractThis study was undertaken to assess factors that influence voluntary compliance of procurement management with the Public Procurement Act (PPA) in the public sector and the effect on value for money. The Specific Objectives of the study were: to identify institutional factors that influence voluntary compliance with PPA; to identify human behavioral factors that influence voluntary compliance with PPA; and to establish relationship between the identified factors and voluntary compliance with PPA. The study employed both probability and non-probability sampling procedures. Convenience sampling technique was employed to single out ten (10) Government Ministries involved with engineering services, all based in Dar es Salaam. From each Ministry, officials were picked randomly to make the study samples. The study involved 180 respondents. Data analysis was conducted with the aid of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software version 16 by using regression and correlation techniques. Model findings confirmed a significant correlation between voluntary compliance and; competency, age above 50 years, high income economic class, female gender, motivation and salary. The Government leadership should incorporate these factors to bring up voluntary compliance so that with time, a proper mix of voluntary and enforcement approaches would be attained for sustainable compliance with legal requirements in public procurement.en_US
dc.identifier.citationNgome, N. R (2013) Assessment of factors influencing voluntary compliance of procurement management with the public procurement act (PPA) in the public sector: the case study of government ministries involved with engineering services, Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. (Available at
dc.publisherUniversity of Dar es Salaamen_US
dc.subjectGovernment purchasingen_US
dc.subjectProcurement managementen_US
dc.subjectPublic procurement Acten_US
dc.titleAssessment of factors influencing voluntary compliance of procurement management with the public procurement act (PPA) in the public sector: the case study of government ministries involved with engineering servicesen_US
