The impact of construction equipment downtime on gravel road construction projects in Tanzania

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University of Dar es Salaam
The construction industry is exposed to various risks. Many such risks transpire during the construction phase./ due to internal and external factors, failure of equipment is frequently encountered during construction. The objectives of this study are to quantify the amount of downtime (DT) of equipment and corresponding cost impact on gravel road projects in Tanzania. The major reasons for downtime, which thereby increase cost, are identified. This study was conducted at six road projects using essential types of equipment, which are most commonly used for gravel roads construction. The cost impact due to downtime was aggregated by recording cost impact for the broken equipment and other miscellaneous costs. The major causes for downtime were found by use of a questionnaire survey carried out with II road contactors in Morogoro region and ranked according to the mean value of importance. The predominant reasons established for downtime are lack of genuine spare parts, lack of proper and schedulated foe downtime are lack of genuine spare parts, lack of proper and schedulated maintenance, ineffective procurement system, age of equipment and unskilled operators and mechanics. The study finally recommends construction companies need to adopt training, productive equipment management and maintenance programs to minimnize the impact of downtime (DT).
Available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class Mark (THS EAF TE220.T34M37)
Road construction, Maintenance and repair, Tanzania
Mutemu, B. A (2007) The impact of construction equipment downtime on gravel road construction projects in Tanzania, Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam.