Knowledge of mother to child transmission of HIV/AID perceived barriers for participating in maternal and child health care among men in Mtwara rural district.

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University of Dar es Salaam
A cross sectional survey study was undertaken in Mtwara rural district during June 2005. to determine he Knowledge of MTCT of HIV and perceived barriers of participating in MCH care among Men. Studies have shown that there is lack of men's participation in MCH and PMTCT services, limiting women's uptake of PMTCT services. As PMTCT has just been introduced in Mtwara rural district, this study therefore aimed to find out what men know about MTCT and the barriers that prevents them to participate in MCH services. The findings provide baseline information that will help to design ways to increase men's participation during scaling up of PMTCT. Multistage cluster sampling was used to select Wards, Villages, and Streets. A total of 396 men were interviewed, interviewer administered questionnaire was used to collect data, and then analysis was done using Epi Info 6.04 version computer program. The study results indicated that 38.4 % have high level of MTCT knowledge, 45.5% moderate level and 16.2% Door knowledge. Men with some education scored higher level of MTCT lan6wledge than men with no education (p = 0.002). Most of the tents (90.2%) are willing to support PMTCT strategies if pregnant partner is HIV positive. Willingness support was found to be high in men with some than in men with no education (p = 0.001)
Available in print form, University Dar es Salaam, Wilbert Chagula
Aids (Disease), HIV transmission, Child health care, Maternal, Mtwara (rural district)
Mtweve, V.R(2005) Knowledge of mother to child transmission of HIV/AID perceived barriers for participating in maternal and child health care among men in Mtwara rural district, Master Dissertation, University of Dar es salaam