Factors influencing primary school teachers’ retirement planning : The case of Kinondoni district in Dar es salaam region, Tanzania
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This study examined the factors influencing retirement planning among primary school teachers in Kinondoni District of Dar es salaam region in Tanzania. Four objectives guided the study, namely: to assess primary school teachers’ understanding of retirement planning ; to explore the extent to which demographic factors (age, education level, sex, and marital status) influence planning for retirement among primary school teachers; to assess how individual characteristics of primary school teachers influence their retirement preparation plans; and to assess the extent to which primary school teachers use the available knowledge on retirement and planning for their retirement. This study employed both, qualitative and quantitative approach. For the quantitative part of the study, quota and systematic sampling techniques were used to obtain a sample of 170 participants. Questionnaires, semi-structured face to face interviews as well as focus group discussions were employed to obtain data from the field. The results of the study revealed that although the majority of the primary school teachers [109 out of 120 (91%)] agree on the importance of pre-retirement planning; most of them [117 out of 120 (97%] lacked both knowledge on retirement and retirement planning skills. Moreover, the retirees 92.5% (37 out of 40)] had not attended any pre-retirement planning programme before their statutory retirement from active employment. The majority of the employees [117(97%)] who had not received retirement training reported that both employers and social security funds were responsible for offering such education on retirement and planning. It was concluded that lack of information and proper knowledge on retirement and retirement planning from reliable sources were the significant factors which disconnected employees from the psychology “culture” of planning while in employment. The study recommends that the government should introduce RRP specific educative programme and increase the earnings of PSTs. The study further recommends future directions and research on other types of retirement preparations, not only in government institutions, but also in the private sectors and the self-employed.