The Impact of Trade Facilitation on Tanzania's Exports

dc.contributor.authorShammy, Elibariki Elisa
dc.descriptionAvailable in print formen_US
dc.description.abstractThe study aimed at examining the impact of trade faciltation on Tanzania's exports. This study used secondary data obtained from World Bank and World Economic Forum. Three explanatory variables namely port efficiency, electronic business and regulatory environment were used. Ordinary Least Square (OLS) techniques were used for regression analysis of time series data obtained between a period of 1996 and 2010.Study findings show that the entire three explanatory variables are significant and have a positive relationship with Tanzania's exports. Such findings suggest that, any improvement in the port efficiency, regulatory environment or electronic business usage will results into increased export volume. The findings of this study have several policy implications including the fact that, in order for Tanzania to increase her exports special initiatives should be developed to improve efficiency of the Dar es Salaam port. For the port to work properly it is suggested that necessary facilities should be available including the use of modern technology in the port operations and other infrastructural related aspects. Another policy implication from the study findings is that, the government of Tanzania should ensure favorable business environment by removal of multiple regulations that do not support business, also policies should be focused at reducing unnecessary regulations that can be a burden to the business community. This study recommends that, Tanzania should adopt friendly policies that promote trade facilitation through efficient port infrastructures, proper ICT infrastructure and favorable business regulatory environment.en_US
dc.identifier.citationShammy, E.E(2012), The Impact of Trade Facilitation on Tanzania's Exports , master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Available at()en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Dar es Salaamen_US
dc.subjectThe Impact of Trade Facilitationen_US
dc.subjectTanzania's Exportsen_US
dc.titleThe Impact of Trade Facilitation on Tanzania's Exportsen_US