Improving performance of TCP acknowledgement packets using the prioritizing capability of the IEEE 802,11e MAC layer protocol
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In IEEE 802.11e standard on only TCP data packets were prioritized and given higher TXO ACK packets especially in existence of intensified high priority network traffic. Clifford, Leith, Malone and Ng recommended introduction of separate highest priority queue for all the TCP ACK packets so that all the returning TCP ACK packets assigned the highest priority, and transmitted through the highest priority transmission queue AC3. Aruna and Zeng on the other hand improved the work done by Clifford, Leith, Malone and Ng by introducing Dynamic prioritization techniques in which returning TCP ACK packets dynamically, or assigned AC2 and AC3 respectively according to traffic condition considering traffic state of lower priority transmission queue (AC1). Aruna and Zeng recommended further research on prioritization techniques in which returning TCP ACK packets dynamically, or assigned AC3 respectively according to traffic condition considering traffic state of lower priority transmission queue (AC1). Aruna and Zeng recommend further research on prioritization of TCP ACK packets considering traffic states of all ACs for more TCP performance improvements. In this research Network simulation experiments was done using NS-2.35 network simulator on Ubuntu 10.04 platform. Dynamic MAC parameters (AIFS, CW, PF and TXOP) were used to impose TCP packets prioritization. Two performance criteria (i.e throughput and delay) and three cases (i.e Case 1 represent the work by Clifford, Leith, Malone and Ng, Case represent the work the work by Aruna and Zeng and Case 3 represent the New Enhanced Priori technique) were used to evaluate performance improvement. As achievement of this work, Case 3 improve TCP ACK performance by making sure that traffic states in all transmission queues are considered to avoid accumulation of ACK packets and unnecessary TCP timeouts.