Thermal energy conservation diagnosis of a cement plant

dc.contributor.authorMwabulambo, Arthur
dc.descriptionAvailable in print formen_US
dc.description.abstractThermal energy (heat) losses in the cement industry are a very serious problem facing the industry world-wide. As a result, various energy conservation measures have been and are being developed and applied in the efforts to combat the problem. However, before any measure is instituted, the thermal energy situation of the plant must first be grasped. How this is achieved constitute the main objective of this study report. A thermal energy conservation diagnosis of one of the SP rotary kilns at Tanzania Portland Cement Co. (TPCC), Dar es Salaam, was undertaken. The mass and energy balances of the kiln were calculated and subsequently, the total heat losses from the kiln were calculated to be 47.3% of the total heat input. The radiation and convection losses accounted for 28.7% of the losses. The overall thermal efficiency of the kiln was then calculated to be 51% while the specific heat consumption was found to be 3608.85 kJ/kg clinker (860 kcal/kg clinker). Operational factors that influence the fuel consumption in the kiln were also investigated. These included the burn ability of kiln feed, the primary air floc rate, the kiln sealing, and the over burning of clinker. Also the heat saved through the existing conservation measures was calculated. Finally, areas for promotion of heat conservation have been identified and the necessary measures to be taken have been recommended.en_US
dc.identifier.citationMwabulambo, A (1989) Thermal energy conservation diagnosis of a cement plant, Masters dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Available at ( )en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Dar es Salaamen_US
dc.subjectHeat storageen_US
dc.subjectCement industriesen_US
dc.subjectTanzania Portland Cement Companyen_US
dc.titleThermal energy conservation diagnosis of a cement planten_US
