Assessment of the reliability and sustainability of selected rural water supply schemes in eSwatini: the case of Nkwene, Velezizweni and Duze areas.
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University of Dar es Salaam
Since 1975 the focus of the Government of eSwatini has been on the provision of potable water to improve the standard of living of its population. However, progress is significantly threatened by complete failure or partial functionality, thus an assessment of inadequate reliability and sustainability within three purposively selected rural water supply schemes implemented in rural areas of eSwatini by the Department of Water Affairs, Micro Projects (Government Agency) and World Vision (NGO), respectively. A questionnaire, documentary review, interviews and discussions were used in the data collection process. SPSS version 20 was used for data analysis. One of the main differences between the three selected water supply schemes was the nature of ensuring availability of financial contributions towards operation and maintenance. Research findings indicated the lack of a water tariff structure at Magawulasheshise WSS, the community regarded water as a free good, while Duze WSS beneficiaries contributed towards operation and maintenance when the need arose. Unlike the above-mentioned WSS, Nkwene WSS contributes its O&M fees as a joining fee and its water tariff monthly as pumping costs. Reliability was measured in terms of the water quantity, its availability on a 24-hour scale and time taken to resume service delivery in case of emergency. For proper management, external development partners and the Government should assist the communities in fee collection until the community has developed a capacity to do it on their own.
Available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF TD927.M377)
Water supply, Rural water supply, Sanitation rural, Mkwene areas, Velezizweni areas, Duze areas
Matsebula, B. F. (2018). Assessment of the reliability and sustainability of selected rural water supply schemes in eSwatini: the case of Nkwene, Velezizweni and Duze areas. Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam.