Attaining export quality standards: "Required strategies and core capabilities for industrial firms in Tanzania"



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University of Dar es Salaam


The purpose of this study is to investigate the possibilities of revamping Tanzanian economy through production of quality products, by the adoption and implementation of sound a quality management system which will give Tanzanian enterprises a powerful tool for sharpening their ability to compete and obtain consumer satisfaction. It was prompted by an outcry of Tanzanian industrial sector to survive or perish, a phenomenon triggered by trade liberalization. Simultaneously, the Tanzanian economy has been experiencing adverse economic hardships, because of the poor quality of her products which do not meet the well defined needs of the users, satisfy consumer expectations, comply with applicable standards and specifications as well as conform to statutory requirements. The outcome of all this has been severe foreign exchange constraints, high inflation rates and worsening balance of payments. In fend of stiff import competition, the study suggests an export quality strategy arguing that, it will secure the much needed hard currency. Tanzanian industrial background, together with the impending quality challenge are presented. Case study approach is used, and seven firms were selected in Dar ea Salaam area. Then, quality is conceptualized, and export quality is defined. While the framework focuses on Tanzanian situation, face to face interviews were mainly used to collect information. In the light of the findings we are able to conclude that, Tanzanian firms have failed to deliver quality products due to poor quality management, cultural resistance of the labour force and lack of requisite governmental support in quality. Furthermore, it is found that without proper quality management, high productivity cannot be realized. Thus it is recommended, among other things, that management should assume responsibility for quality and be fully committed to it. Also, there is a need to devise an active and dynamic national policy on quality. Lastly, it is expected that the findings of this study have brought to fore quality problems befalling industrial firms in Tanzania requiring immediate remedial measures.


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Production management, Quality control, Exports, Tanzania


Msafiri, F. S (1993) Attaining export quality standards: "Required strategies and core capabilities for industrial firms in Tanzania",Masters dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Available at ( )