Land transfer: policy, law and practice - a case study of Dar-es-Salaam region, 1967-1981
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University of Dar es Salaam
The title of this study is, “Land Transfer: Policy, Law and Practice.” A meaningful examination of these aspects would, therefore, demand a critical look into the matters of policy, law and practice relating to land transfers. Dar es Salaam Region was chosen as the target of a case study in this regard. In chapter one it is sought to ascertain whether there is anything like a Party policy on land transfers in country. In the result, it is found that there is at best what can pass for a party policy; this being the Party’s stand on land transfers. In other words, there is no Party policy, strictly so called, on land transfers, however, it is found out that the Party’s stand falls into three main principles. Lastly, the chapter contains an examination of the recently released housing policy and its possible effects on the prevailing Party stand on land transfers. The law relating to land transfers is examined in Chapter Two. There an attempt is also made to establish whether the said law is consistent with the three principles of the Party’s stand on land transfers. The outcome is that the law is compatible with two of the principles of the Party’s stand; but that it is in contradistinction with the third principle. Chapter Three looks into the practice adopted by the relevant authorities in dealing with land transfers. In addition, it also contains an examination of the consistence between the Party’s stand, the law and practice. The result is that there is found to be greater consistence between the Party’s stand and the practice (on all three principles of the Party’s stand) than is the case with the law. Also examined in this chapter is the question of land speculation: what the authorities mean by land speculation, and whether there is land speculation in Dar es Salaam
Land tenure, Tanzania, Dar es Salaam region, Land title, Registration and transfer
Gondwe, Z. S. (1982) Land transfer: policy, law and practice - a case study of Dar-es-Salaam region, 1967-1981, Masters dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Available at (