Improvement of the NHC housing production process

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Unversity of Dar es Salaam
The current market trend in the housing sector has generated a need for the National Housing Corporation (NHC) to find ways of improving the efficiency in its housing production process. Hitherto the NHC has not been fairing well in the housing market contrary to its mission and vision. The current challenges arise from the stiff competition in the housing market, the ever changing technologies; and customers’ need for good quality and timely houses but at affordable prices. The NHC has to find ways of producing houses at minimum costs but without compromising on the quality of the finished houses. This has raised a question whether NHC carries the production process at all stages properly. The fact that, improved efficiency in any production process increases the opportunity of increasing the opportunity of increasing the firm’s profitability has generated a need for examining the way the NHC undertakes its production process. The study introduces Work study methodology as a way forward from which the NHC can be able to improve its performance, reduce costs, increase efficiency and profitability and increase service levels. The study concludes that, for the NHC to sustain and be able to prosper in the housing market there is a need for it to improve the production process in all stages. That is at the project init Project planning stage, execution stage and at project closure stage. The NHC should endeavour to look forward to its next success and not to look back on its past successes.
Available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF HD7288.92.T34K27)
Housing Production Process, House construction, Cost effectiveness, National Housing Corporation, Tanzania
Katanga, S. C. (2007) Improvement of the NHC housing production process, Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam