Ship turnround and the demand for berthing facilities: a study of shipping at the port of Dar es Salaam

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University of Dar es Salaam
The concept of ship turnround for a long time was primarily of interest to ship – owners only. Of late, ports, particularly in developing countries have found themselves in a situation where they too have to pay equally keen interest in the matter of ship turnround. By the very nature of port ownership in developing countries, any concern in post efficiency and post problems in developing countries, any concern in post efficiency and post problem in general is not confimed to the ports alone but it is a national concern because port efficiency affects national economics. Therefore efforts to speed up ship turnround in ports are equally of interest to transport planners and government afficialel in general. In 1977, a surcharge of 15 per cent was imposed on freight charges on Cargo Orginating from or destined to the port of Dar es Salaam and carried by the U.K./East Africa Conference Lines listed as Annex 3 to this report. The lines alledged that ship turnround at the port had reached its slowest in several years. They further contested that because of the slow turnround, their ships were incurring extra costs which were entirely due to slow turnround of ships at the port. In order to find out whether the allegation of the Confirence Lines was true, that there was not enough capacity at the port to handle the ship trafficthrough the port, this study has been carried to estimate the Optimum berth capacity, the major factor in ship turnround, which should have existed at the port during 1975. The optimum berth capacity is that which, taking the interests of the port and shipping, offers the lowest cost of transportation of traffic through the port. In recognition of the fact that berth capacity is not the only factor affecting ship turnround, though it is by far the most important, this paper has also discussed the need for efficiency both in the inland and maritime transport sectors of the transport network to be minimized. The method used in the study is a Monte Carlo simulation technique. This is found in selection (iv) of the report. Chapter is an introduction. To assist readers in appreciating the operations of the port and the need for an efficient port as a link in international seaborne traffic, Sections II and III is on the International Seaborne Transport Chain. Summary of findings, conclusions and recommendation are to be found in section of the report. The result of the study is that the eight berths which were operational at the port during 1975 were a bit insufficient to have given the optimum number of berths at the port during 1975 should have been 9. Policy recommendations of the report support the idea of the present works at the port to increase the number of break – bulk berths from 8 in 1975 to 11 at the end of this year. The recommendations, however, caution the increase in the number berths beyond 11 in view of the fact that traffic in the port is subject in factors which are outside the control of Tanzania and in view of the fact that port investments are subject to the influence of inland and sea modes of transport ports do not have control over technological developments in land and sea transport, particularly the latter, which may soon demand completely different types of berths. The shortcoming of t is study is that although all efforts were made to ensure the accuracy of the port records, lack of errors in the port data cannot be completely quarranteed.
Available in print form, EAF Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, (THS EAF HE560.D2G5)
Dar es Salaam-Harbour, Harbours, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania(Region)
Gimoro, N.F (1977) Ship turnround and the demand for berthing facilities: a study of shipping at the port of Dar es Salaam, Masters dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam