The ecology and feeding behavior of hornbills (aves: bucerotidae) in Shengena forest, chome locality, South Pare-northeastern Tanzania

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The ecology and feeding behavior of hornbills (aves: bucerotidae) in Shengena forest, chome locality, South Pare-northeastern Tanzania ,Master dissertation, University of Dar es salaam, Dar es Salaam
The ecology and feeding behaviour of Silvery-cheeked Hombills (Ceratogymna brevis)and the Crowned Hornbills (tockus alboterminatus) was studied between April 1997 to June 1998 in Shengena Forest Reserve, Chomp Locality, Northeastern Tanzania. These were the only hornbill species in the study area. Results showed altitudinal variation in plant species abundance and composition. A total of 92 species of trees and shrubs from 54 families were recorded. Fruits were produced in all months of the year. Ripe and unripe fruits were positively correlated with rainfall while vegetative parts and flower buds and flowers did not. The latter were positively correlated with temperature. Vegetation in space had no influence while tree phenology had very little influence on the abundance and distribution of hornbills varied significantly between elevations. Feeding behaviour was studied through direct and indirect methods viz. analysis of faecal and regurgitated samples and germination test. The hornbills are omnivorous. Silvery-checked Hornbills fed on ripe fruits of 20 species and 23 animal species. There was some overlap in the results from the three methods. Overall, 7 food plant species were shared by all methods. Germination test showed that hornbills were tree seed dispersers because 12 (60%) of the total food tree species had germination of seeds nom faecal samples. Hornbills used lower altitude disturbed forest more than higher undisturbed forest. They are threatened through habitat disturbance, hunting and trade thus their future will only be guaranteed by elimination of the above threats.
Available in print form, East Wilbert Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library
The ecology, feeding behavior of hornbills, South Pare-northeastern Tanzania
Fue, S.Y(2005)The ecology and feeding behavior of hornbills (aves: bucerotidae) in Shengena forest, chome locality, South Pare-northeastern Tanzania