Assessment of community participation in the implementation of secondary education development programme (SEDP) phase II: a case of Kinondoni district, Tanzania

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University of Dar es Salaam
This study assessed community participation in the implementation of the Secondary Education Development Programme (SEDP) Phase II in upgrading existing school infrastructure in Kinondoni district. The study had three specific objectives. Firstly, to examine the approaches used in engaging the community in the Secondary Education Development Programme (SEDP) Phase II. Secondly, to explore community members’ perception towards their participation in the Secondary Education Development Programme (SEDP) Phase II and thirdly, to examine the challenges of community participation in the implementation of Secondary Education Development Programme (SEDP) Phase II. The study employed a mixed methods research approach and used a case study design. The study consisted of a total of 120 respondents. Data were collected using semi-structured interviews, structured interviews, direct observation, focus group discussions and documentary review. The study findings revealed the following: First, the approach used to involve community members was through labour in which few of them took part in the construction activities as labourers during the implementation of SEDP II. Secondly, there was no transparency hence community members were not provided with sufficient information about SEDP II. Thirdly, several challenges limited community participation in SEDP II including, among others, lack of awareness about the programme, lack of proper community involvement and low payment to those few who were involved in the construction activities as labourers. The following conclusions were made: lack of proper involvement of community members from planning to monitoring and evaluation stages in SEDP II contributed to its failure in improving the existing school infrastructure. Also, the methods used to involve the community members were not inclusive hence leading to lack of sufficient information about the programme and its benefits. Furthermore, lack of sufficient information about SEDP II and low payments to those who participated as labourers discouraged community members from taking part in the programme activities. The study recommended that programme implementers should involve community members from planning to monitoring and evaluation stages and ensure transparency in order to achieve success and sustainability of the programme.
Available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF LB 1140.35 .P37T34W54)
William, G.M (2019) Assessment of community participation in the implementation of secondary education development programme (SEDP) phase II: a case of Kinondoni district, Tanzania,, Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Dar es Salaam.