Compliance of small and medium entreprises with government regulations;a case of Small Industries Development Organization (SIDO) Metal Works in Arusha Tanzania
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University of Dar es Salaam
Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are universally acknowledged as engines of economic development. It creates employment, providing flexibility, innovation through entrepreneurship and increase international trade by diversifying economic activity. The purpose of this study was to investigate compliance of SMEs with government regulation on metal works Using Small Industrial Organization Development (SIDO) in Arusha as a case to study. Three objectives guided are: To examine compliance to regulations by metal work entrepreneurs inside SIDO against those outside SIDO; To assess the performance of metal works SMEs inside SIDO against those outside SIDO; and to identify the advantages and disadvantages of metal works inside SIDO against those outside SIDO. Metal works inside SIDO had been seen to comply with government regulations than those outside SIDO. Generally it was noted that SMEs require the assistance in order to comply with government regulations, due to the fact that they neither have the time, capital nor the expertise to perform this functions themselves. Most SMEs acquired loans from SIDO and other financial facilities because they have been trained to keep important records required by financial facilities. SMEs fail to use regulations that are meant for larger corporation, because they do not have much capital, and thus they fail to comply with. It is recommended that the government should distinguish regulations for SMEs from those of large corporation. Additionally research should be conducted to ascertain measures for effective compliance of regulations by SMEs.
Available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF HD2346.T34M8532)
Small business, Small industries development organization (SIDO) metal works, Arusha, Tanzania
Mwenisongole, C.(2014) Compliance of small and medium entreprises with government regulations;a case of Small Industries Development Organization (SIDO) Metal Works in Arusha Tanzania.Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam.