The right of crime victims and criminal compensation system in mainland Tanzania: A case study of Victim of Sexual Offences
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University of Dar es Salaam
This thesis is an examination of the right of crime victims and criminal compensation system in mainland Tanzania; “A case study of victims of sexual offences”. The colonial and post colonial history is used to analyse how the situation was before, and challenges facing the right of crime victims in Tanzania as required by the criminal compensation systems. The study used qualitative approach, drawing on peer review and field research. In the analysis, we employed civil procedure law and international law as major theoretical framework and where applicable, we referred to relative international law position and legal practice. The major key findings of the study were that while the government enacted the laws relating thereto but the law enforcers are adequately compensated. This thesis further suggests that unless a clear social scheme is established, the right of the victims of sexual offences and crime in general within Mainland will remain beyond their reach. It is also argued that the realization of these rights could be enhanced by working from what is provided as legal rights, in which all interested parties pushing for the expansion of the rights are available. This can only be attained if the majority of Tanzanians are made aware of the existence of such rights through legal literacy programmes, and judicial officers. Members of the bar and law enforcement agencies on their part should comply with the law.
Available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr.Wilbert Chagula Library, (THS EAF KRD. M7738)
Crime, East Africa
Msuya, S.D (2015) The right of crime victims and criminal compensation system in mainland Tanzania: A case study of Victim of Sexual Offences, Masters dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam.