Sexual and gender based violence against refugee women in western Tanzania: the case study of refugee camps in Kibondo district

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University of Dar es Salaam
This work examines sexual and gender based violence in refugee camps in Western Tanzania. The study is grounded upon the continuous reports of sexual and gender violence which reached its peak in the end of 1990s. Sexual and gender based violence against women generally is viewed in this study as a result of generally accepted gender inequality and subordination of women in most societies. As for refugee women, and other women under emergency their vulnerability is intensified by their status which make them not only an easy target but victims of whoever they come into contact. Through the examination of international and regional legal instruments on refugees it is concluded that the all of them had neglected the specific problems encountered by refugee women and their need for protection. The protection of refugee women therefore depends on the minimum standards of protection generally accorded to women under international legal instruments which are nonetheless not strictly adhered to in emergency situations. Slow pace in making refugee law gender sensitive continues to affect the plight of refugee women. The rate of sexual and gender based violence in refugee camps is still high despite the efforts employed by UNHCR and its implementing partners in eliminating these forms of violence in all camps. SGBV incidents are reported almost every day. The general situation of gender and sexual related offences in the country is also still worse despite the severe sanctions imposed on the convicts.
Available in printed form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF HV6250.4.W65M3)
Sexual abuse victims, Abused women, Refugees, Kibondo District, Tanzania (Western)
Masabo, J. (2005)Sexual and gender based violence against refugee women in western Tanzania: the case study of refugee camps in Kibondo district. Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Dar es Salaam.