Analysis of the impact of smartphone signaling load on call quality across radio network controller of a 3G network: a case of Airtel Tanzania



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University of Dar es salaam


This study is about analysis of the impact of smartphone signaling load on call quality across radio network controller of a 3G network. The study was conducted at Dar es Salaam region, in which Airtel Tanzania Limited was taken as a case study. The main motivation behind this study was the fact that smartphone is the recent innovative technology in the telecommunication industry and there were few researches done to analyse its impact in the existing network as well as services from different aspect especially in Tanzania or East Africa areas. The specific objectives of the study were; to estimate current Smartphone signaling utilization in the Radio Network Controller (RNC), to determine the impact of smartphone signaling load on RNC performance, to determine the impacts of RNC performance on call quality as well as to propose possible solutions that might help to improve call quality in 3G network. The methodology used involve both primarly and secondary data, were primarly data was collected via live network test and secondary data was collected by using documentary sources and case study network performance reports. The analysis of both primarly and secondary data was done using terms & ACTIX analyzer software’s provided by case study, and implementation of the study involves mathematical modal as well as analysis approach. The findings on the study were: - Smartphone signaling load has impact in call quality across the RNC of 3G network and 50.6% of the signaling available in RNC is due to smartphone’s which correspond to 72.3% of the current RNC signaling utilization threshold. The study recommends the possible solution for improving call quality in the 3G network to include features that will help RNC to enhance its capability of resource management and allocation


Available in print form, East Africana Collection ,Dr.Wilbert Chagula Library,Class mark (THS EAF TK6564.4C45T34L45)


Cell phones, Smartphones, Airtel, Tanzania


Lema S. (2020). nalysis of the impact of smartphone signaling load on call quality across radio network controller of a 3G network: a case of Airtel Tanzania. Master dissertation, University of Salaam. Dar es Salaam