The challenges facing the health schemes members in accessing quality health services in Tanzania
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University of Dar Es Salaam
The general objective of this study was to assess the challenges facing health Schemes members in accessing quality health services in Tanzania. Specifically, it examined the availability of medicine and its effects on quality of services provided to the NHIF members; how the minority of health workers limits members the access to health services; and the long distance to the health facilities and its effects on the accessibility of the health services. The study was conducted at Kinondoni Municipal council. Random sampling technique was used to collect data. 80 respondents were selected for the study. The study was conducted through questionnaires and structured interview, where two sets of questionnaires were administered to 50 NHIF members and 30 Health workers. The information from these respondents was analyzed through quantitative approach by using percentage. The findings revealed that; there is shortage of medicines and health workers. Findings also revealed that, distance to the health facilities affects the accessibility of quality health services to the NHIF members. Also the findings revealed that there is a shortage of drugs in the health centers this is to say that quantity of drugs are not sufficient in most of the health facilities hence, patient sometimes are prescribed to obtain them from drugs from the accredited pharmacies. Furthermore, study observed that there is a shortage of health workers in the health facilities. Likewise distance affects the access to the quality health services. From the findings of the study it is recommended that, NHIF should add more medicines to the accredited health facilities and pharmacies. Sometimes to and fro movements from health facilities lead to unnecessary costs and disturbance to the patients.
Available in print form, East Wilbert Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF HD7102.T34A46)
Health, Insurance, National Health Insurance Fund, Tanzania
Ainea, T(2013)The challenges facing the health schemes members in accessing quality health services in Tanzania, Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam