Legal implications of women's right to maternal health care in Uganda a case study of Katwe Slum, Kampala
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University of Dar es Salaam
Uganda has ratified various international and regional human rights treaties that recognize the right to health and maternal health care. In spite of these provisions, women still face barriers in accessing maternal health care and enforcing their rights.
This study mainly examines the extent to which the domestic laws of Uganda are in compliance with the international human rights standards in the protection of the right of women to maternal health care.
The study employed both documentary and field research. In documentary review, materials were collected from legislation, Bills, Government papers, policy documents, newspapers, and magazines, textbooks, dissertations, theses, journals, articles, reports, papers and case law. Field research was carried out in Kampala through direct interviews, questionnaires and focus group discussions. Qualitative and quantitative methods were employed in analysing data.
The research revealed that domestic laws and policies are inadequate in the protection of women's right to maternal health care in Uganda. In addition, barriers such as restrictive abortion laws, violence against women, poverty and poor health care inhibit the full enjoyment of the right. The study makes a number of recommendations to improve the situation in Uganda. These include, among others, domestication of international conventions; effective enforcement of laws; amendment of restrictive laws that result in unnecessary morbidity; and legal and human rights literacy.
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Uganda, Katwe, implications
Ttendo, A.(2011) Legal implications of women's right to maternal health care in Uganda a case study of Katwe Slum, Kampala. Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Dar es Salaam