Studies on soils of some selected parts of Dodoma district with special reference to potential for sunflower production



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University of Dar es Salaam


A survey of the soils of some selected parts of Dodoma District conducted with a view of finding out which soilswould be economically profitable for sunflower cultivation. An attempt was made to reveal the soil types of the selected areas, their chemical and physical properties, their nutrient status and through field experimentations, the effect of these properties on the performance of sunflower. Themajority of the soils were observed to be red to reddish-brown, shallow, sandy in texture and poor in nutrient content as they originated from granites and gneisses. Minor area c-greyish soils which developed from limestone parent material and were thus fine-textured with higher nutrient content. Although sunflower grows in both soil types, best performance was observed in the reddish-brown sandy textured soils derived from granites. Weeds reduced the yield by 40-5% in both soil typesintercropping sunflower with maize negatively affectedthe growth and yield of sunflower; but intercroppingwith theserena, sorghum variety and groundnuts positively affectedgrowth.

160.0	4.0	107.1	7.0
182.0	7.0	220.2	-
225.0	7.0	156.7	-
194.0	7.0	143.8	-
228.0	13.0	599.1	18.0
150.0	6.0	112.6	15.0
185.0	8.0	185.7	-
160.0	6.0	130.5	14.0
133.0 	3.0	59.1	10.0
138.0	5.0	108.4	8.0
155.0	4.0	97.2	8.0
150.0	6.0	109.4	9.0
160.0	9.0	323.7	-
185.0	11.0	453.4	-
184.0	8.0	296.2	8.0
234.0	12.0	641.1	-
185.0	9.0	452.0	23.0
205.0	9.0	464.6	-
115.0	6.0	209.6	18.0
185.0	8.0	286.6	12.0
135.0	5.0	71.0	6.0
80.0	3.0	23.5	8.0
150.0	6.0	150.5	17.1
183.0	8.0	184.3	16.
160.0	6.0	136.6	9.0


Available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr.Wilbert Chagula Library, class mark (THS EAF S597.S74M6)


Soils analysis, Sunflower seed oil, Dodoma (District)


Mohamed, Sitna Abubakary (1980) Studies on Soils of Some Selected Parts of Dodoma Districtwith Special Referenceto Potential for Sunflower Production, Masters dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam