Computer program for reservoir reliability analysis applied to Khashm el Gibra reservoir, Sudan

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University of Dar es Salaam
A computer program written in BASIC, for Gould's transition probability matrix method is developed to calculate reservoir reliability for a given reservoir capacity with specified inflows and draft. It is then improved to calculate reservoir capacity far a given reliability and draft. The program gives a satisfactory results when tested for published data and then applied to historic data of the river Athara at the Khashm el Girba (existing reservoir) to determine the relationship of the reliability of the Khashm el Girba reservoir with its capacities and drafts.
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Reservoirs, Khashm el Gibra reservoir, Sudan
Mohamed, S. A (1989) Computer program for reservoir reliability analysis applied to Khashm el Gibra reservoir, Sudan, Masters dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Available at ( )