Experiences of marital conflicts on a child and adolescent’s psychosocial wellbeing a case study of Kinondoni District, Tanzania

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University of Dar es Salaam
Consistent with Blumer's Symbolic interactionism (1969), this study explored the maritalconflicts experiences by a child algal adolescent, on their psychosocial wellbeing. It specifically focused on examining the links on how marital conflicts influence particular cognitions to a child and adolescent, how a child and adolescent responds accordingly with respect to being exposed to such conflicts, as well as examining the psychosocial effects likely to occur as an after math of marital conflicts. The study involved children of ages between 7-12 and adolescents of ages 13-19 respectively. The data were amassed using nod participant observation, in-depth interviews and focus group discussion methods. By using the exploratory design, children and adolescents' experiences of marital conflicts were captured and analysed by a content analysis technique and presented in narratives along the study's objectives. Findings indicated that marital conflicts predicted a child’s and adolescent's negative perceptions, repressed memories, their language use on marital conflict events which reject negative cognitions towards parents' marital convicts. Such negative cognitions in turn result to their respective behavioural, emotional and cognitive responses which are associated with their being psychosocially disturbed in terms of their relationship with parents and peers, self-esteem, signs to psychosocially disorders such as anxiety and depression, and development of externalizing hid internalizing behaviours respectively.
marital, adolescent’s, wellbeing, Kinondoni
Minanago, C.(2011) Experiences of marital conflicts on a child and adolescent’s psychosocial wellbeing a case study of Kinondoni District, Tanzania. Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Dar es Salaam.