Determination of optimum replacement time of water meter based on cumulative flow through the meter a case study of Mwanza urban water and sewerage

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University of Dar es Salaam
The study presented in this report sought to determine the optimum replacement time of water meters, based on cumulative water flow through the meter. The study was conducted at Mwanza Urban Water Supply and Sewerage Authority (MWAUWASA) in Mwanza city. The aims of the study were; to express the relationship between meter accuracy and cumulative flow through the meter; to determine average percentage of flow used at difference flow ranges; to conduct meters accuracy test pulled from the utility system and to establish when a water meter should be replaced. In order to determine the accuracy a sample of 35 meters in five groups according to their cumulative volume were tested in the laboratory at three different flow rates. Consumption pattern were determined by monitoring 40 households of different characteristics in the Mwanza city. Meter accuracy and consumption pattern were used to determine the cumulative revenue lost due to meter inaccuracy and compared with the cost of replacing a new water meter to determine the optimum replacement volume of the water meter. Data were collected through experiment, interviews, general observations and documentary reviews. The optimum cumulative volume for meter replacement was found to be 4,700 m3 or 12.6 years at 372 m3 average residential water use per customer per year, Water tariff of Tshs 560/m3 and a cost of Tshs 170,000 to replace a new meter. It is recommended that, a cumulative flow-based meter replacement program should be adopted for effectiveness.
Available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF TD499S57)
Water-meter, Flow meters, Water current meters, Mwanza Urban Water and Sewarage Authority (MWAUWASA-Tanzania), Mwanza, Tanzania
Sitta, M. (2015) Determination of optimum replacement time of water meter based on cumulative flow through the meter a case study of Mwanza urban water and sewerage, Master Dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam