Integrated remote of sensing and GIS for assessment aquifer recharge zones in Pangani river basin: the case of Kikuletwa-Ruvu catchment

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University of Dar es Salaam
Basin water offices in Tanzania face challenges to set groundwater abstraction limit and also to protect the pollution of the resource thereof. This is because of lack of information on groundwater recharge amounts in their respective jurisdiction and the location of potential recharge sites. In the present study, demarcation of groundwater recharge area was arrived by employing a Multi-Criteria Evaluation (MCE) executed using Eastman’s Soil Type, Lithology, Landuse, Lineament Density, Slope and Drainage Density. Groundwater recharge estimation has been reached by using groundwater level fluctuation method. Data was collected from 7 AUWSA boreholes and 7 out of 52 TPC Piezometers in Moshi. These data were complemented with porosity data from Kahimba (2002). Furthermore, sustainable water use strategy has been reached by combining the above data and those from PBWO and IUCN activities in the basin. This includes NYM dam levels and scenarios developed by EFA Study conducted as one of the components of PRBMP. In the study area, potential groundwater recharge sites are actually in and around Arusha and Moshi Municipality areas which receives high precipitations per annum. In addition, water demand by 2015 is only 0.8 of groundwater recharge per annum.
Available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class Mark (THS EAF GB1199.4.T34M3)
Underground water, Geographica inforation systems, Artificial recharge, Aquifter, Remote sensing
Zakaria, O (2009) Integrated remote of sensing and GIS for assessment aquifer recharge zones in Pangani river basin: the case of Kikuletwa-Ruvu catchment, Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam