A study on the transmission, prevelence and intensity of schistosoma-haematobium injection among school children at Kigogo-Kinondoni District-Dar es salaam
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University of Dar es Salaam
A cross sectional survey for Schistosoma haematobium infection and some factors influencing its transmission were studied among school children from two schools at Kigogo-Kinondani district of Dar-es-Salaam city. The overall prevalence rate was 230/483 47. 6% based on microscopic examination of a single urine sample. The prevalence rates were 111/249(44.6% ) and 119/234(50.9%) in Kigogo and Darajani Primary Schools respectively. Males(54.6%) were more infected than females (40.8%). The overall intensity of infection was (47 eggs/10ml urine). It was higher in males (54 eggs per l0ml urine) than in females (38 eggs/10ml urine). The 10 - 14 years age group had the highest prevalence rate and intensity of infection. The frequency of micro-haematuria among infected children was high (84.3%) reaching 92% from an egg output of 50 or more eggs/10ml urine; and the frequency of visible haematuria was 37.7%. Human water contacts were mainly for recreational activities and domestic use. Males showed a higher frequency of water contact than females. Malacological surveys recovered Bullinus (Ph.) globosus, B. (Ph. ) nasutus and B. (Ph.) africanus from 8 out of 12 water contact sites searched. Metrifonate in 3 doses at 2 weekly intervals had overall cure rate of 88.7%. Of the studied children, (47.5%) had never heard about the disease. However, knowledge about the disease among those children who had heard about the disease was high as assessed by the questionnaire survey. It is concluded that the current prevalence rates and intensities of infection in the area are unacceptably high. Selective chemotherapy, health education and provision of alternative water sources for recreational activities are suggested as possible methods for the control of the disease in the area.
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Scistosoma haematobium
Ndyomugyenyi, R (1992) A study on the transmission, prevelence and intensity of schistosoma-haematobium injection among school children at Kigogo-Kinondoni District-Dar es salaam, Masters dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Available at (