The role of ecotourism in coastal resources conservation in Zanzibar a case of Menai bay conservation area (MBCA)

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University of Dar es Salaam
This study was conducted in four villages, namely Kizimkazi Dimbani, Fumba, Kizimkazi Mkunguni and Uzi at the coastal ring of MBCA in Zanzibar. The major research objective was to understand the role of ecotourism interventions in coastal resources conservation. Questionnaires, semi structured interview, focus group discussion, observation and reviewing of secondary information were the core methods used for data collection in this study. A total of 102 respondents were interviewed during field work. The respondents were obtained by using random sampling technique whereby the formula K = N/n by Ken (2004) was used to get sample interval (17th) which used to select respondents from the table of random numbers and the data obtained analyzed by using SPSS v.20 and Microsoft Excel 2007 which then summarized in frequencies and percentages and presented them in tables and figures for comparison. The results show that the number and condition of coastal resources in MBCA increased and improved respectively after the introduction of ecotourism in the area. The rare and endanger species such as sea turtles and sea birds, finfish, octopus, and mangroves have increased. Majority of the people in the study area believe that currently the coastal resources are regenerating and improving. Local people participation and awareness in ecotourism activities are promising (81%). The results further show that benefits (revenue) obtained from ecotourism are distributed in the community in the form of social services such as schools, mosques, and health centres which reduce over dependency on coastal resources. Although, there are some constraints; people (53% of the respondents) believe that ecotourism is a sustainable tool in coastal resources conservation if measures such as increasing people’s participation and enforcement of strong penalties are considered. The study recommends that feasibility study to improve people’s livelihood activities, education on ecotourism, revenues sharing and fund raising measures are needed to be put in place so as to achieve ecotourism objective toward coastal resources conservation.
Available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF G155Z36A453)
Ecotourism, Conservation of natural resources, Shore protection, Menai Bay Conservation Area, Zanzibar
Ame, M.S. (2015) The role of ecotourism in coastal resources conservation in Zanzibar a case of Menai bay conservation area (MBCA), Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Dar es Salaam