Development of a web-based examination management information system for UDSM long distance programmes



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University of Dar es Salaam


The increase of e-learning programmes offered at the University of Dar es Salaam has lead to the demand for a tool which can facilitate the process of examining students who resides a long distance from the University. The focus of this research was on developing a tool that can assist instructors of these courses who are faced with several challenges in examining their long distance students. Such a research was important in identifying and solving the difficulties that instructors face in preparing, invigilating, marking and on-time posting of examination results. The research approach adopted in this dissertation based on Structured System Analysis and Design Method, where the system was divided into smaller components making the system easier to understand, by using graphical expressions and expected outputs atom each stage. MYSQL database management system was used to implement the database schema while PHP hypertext pre-processor programming language with java scripts and Ajax scripts were used in the implementation of the system. The system that was developed has enabled instructors to author and store a bank of web-based questions. Furthermore, the system is able to assemble questions from various topics and generate exam based on instructor's specifications. examination module allows user to conduct examination over the Internet and Intranet. Upon examination completion, the system grades student basing on the questions they have answered and posting the results upon the instructor's confirmation.


Available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF TK5105.5S46)


World Wide Web, Computer networks, Management information system, Examination management information system


Senyoni, W.F.(2011) Development of a web-based examination management information system for UDSM long distance programmes. Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Dar es Salaam.