Assessment of the current state of bridge management system in Tanzania: a case study of Tanzania National Road Agency (TANROADS)
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The main objective of this study was to assess the current state of Bridge Management Systems in Tanzania with TANROADS as a case study. The study has been conducted by investigating the history of bridge management in TANROADS together with assessing how it is conducted. In this study consideration and perception of TANROADS staff on different variables characterizing proper bridge management have been investigated. The study has used qualitative and quantitative approaches of which a sample space containing 10 regions was selected to represent the total of 26 regions. Data were collected by use of questionnaires and interviews. After evaluation of different responses, it was found that the current state of bridge management in Tanzania does not promise good future conditions of bridges. The manual or traditional approach was found to be ineffective as compared to the software approach. Evaluation of respondent's responses found the manual approach to be simple to apply and saves time; however the approach was reactive only to current inspection results. "Such consideration was found not to be suitable over a large network of bridges". The TANBRIDGEMAN software on the other hand found to be better off by having the ability to incorporate different parameters during optimization of maintenance needs such as historic record of the bridge including age, accident, inspection and maintenance record. However, it was found that there were complications in the use of the software. The software was not giving indications in regards to the remaining serviceability life of bridges and expected effect on conditions of bridges as a result of budget cut in the given financial year. In view of obtained survey results and review on challenges and achievements met by various agencies on their way for searching of a better bridge management system, the current state of bridge management in Tanzania requires technically and financially improvements. For example increasing bridge maintenance budget, training of experts and transformation from manual or traditional bridge management system to an improve software.