Assessment of effectiveness of water user groups (WUGs) in managing water projects: the case of Bukombe district WUGs Tanzania

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University of Dar es Salaam
This study aimed at assessing the effectiveness of Water User Groups (WUGs) in managing rural water projects in Bukombe District. In assessing these, a purposive survey on WUGs covering 23 villages was done of which 105 WUGs were sampled. It captured both qualitative and quantitative data on Operation and Maintenance, Technology, level of Community Participation, community ability and willingness to pay for water services, the data were analysed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). The findings showed that, The WUGs are not as effective as it was supposed to be. The problems committees are experiencing are administrative and managerial attributed by lack of education to many committee members. More than 50% have either primary education or have not attended schools. Results showed that lack of managerial and administrative skills by WUGs committee was a reason for dormant bank accounts which mismatch with the increased spare parts prices. Community participation level is 100% at the inception to commissioning, thereafter becomes less than 50% due to lack of accountability by the committees, no regular meetings are convened, community willingness to pay is hindered although they have ability to do so. The hand pump technology was found to be appropriate for communities to own, operate and maintain in terms of finance and technical issues. Re-training is recommended to the committee members after every three year. Contribution should be Tshs 400/= per household per month for Operation and Maintenance.
Available in printed form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF SD427.W3T34S84 )
Water supply projects, Rural water supply, Water group management, Bukombe district
Stephano, B. (2008) Assessment of effectiveness of water user groups (WUGs) in managing water projects: the case of Bukombe district WUGs Tanzania. Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam. Dar es Salaam.