Examining the development of information and communication technology (ICT) in secondary education of Tanzania: The case of secondary schools in the city of Mbeya

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University of Dar es Salaam
This study aimed at examining the development of information and communication Technology (ICT) in the secondary education of Tanzania particularly in secondary schools in the city of Mbeya . To solidify information the study uses the views and opinions of teachers, students, and some officials from other institutions such as Tanzania Education Authority , Tanzania Institute of Education and Mbeya City. The study examine current ICT status, the enabling and constraining factors through which the technology should have been introduced and promoted. The study dealt with its theoretical underpinnings, which, among other things, justified the use of ICT in education. Within that context, ICT global background history and development was traced, different theories were discussed and various approaches examined to explore the potentialities of applying the technology into the local environmental system. The study was conducted at Meta, Sangu, Loleza, Mbeya day, St Francis, Arage, Samora Iyunga, Southern highlands, St Agrey, Igawilo, and Ivumwe Secondary Schools. Atotal of 98 valid replies were received, representing a response of 84 percent, out of which 63 were students, 21 teachers, 12 Head of schools and 2 TIE and TEA officials. The conclusion drawn from this research is that ICT status is low this is attributed by factors such as inadequate funds, poor infrastructure, lack of strategic plans, lack of ICT professionals, lack of Training, lack of ICT facilities and textbooks. To promote ICT development self efforts are the major means that are used by secondary school in Tanzania. The findings are expected to provide guideline and new knowledge about ICT training in secondary education and enhance the ICT access, utilization and development to all stakeholders.
Available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr.Wilbert Chagula Library, (THS EAF LB 1028.3.L66)
Technology, Information technology, Communication, Education, Secondary, Mbeya
Scholastica, L (2006) Examining the development of information and communication technology (ICT) in secondary education of Tanzania: The case of secondary schools in the city of Mbeya, Masters dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam.