East african community legislative response on HIV and aids: a need for a human rights-based approach
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University of Dar es Salaam
This is a qualitative study on the EAC and Partner States legislative response on HIV and AIDS. HIV and AIDS specific laws are widely used as a tool to supplement clinical HIV and AIDS prevention and control in East Africa but they are widely human rights insensitive. Efforts to use legislation in prevention and control of HIV and AIDS have shown little progress due to rampant violation of human rights to the PLWHAs. In this study the researcher used unstructured and semi structured interviews, observation and participation combined with library research and electronic research to collect both primary and secondary data for the study.The study critically analyses the legislative responses of the EAC and Partner States in prevention and control of HIV and AIDS on the yard stick of human rights-based approach. In doing so, the relationship between human rights and HIV and AIDS is examined in detail in Chapter Two. The EAC and Partner States laws on HIV and AIDS are discussed in Chapter Three while Chapter Four provides research analysis and findings of the study. Specifically the study shows that the Partner States legislative responses do not adhere strictly to human rights principles.The study proposes an adoption of human rights-based approach in legislating on HIV and AIDS. The need to have a meaningful and inclusive approach of all groups of people in the society such as Men who have Sex with Men, Intravenous Drug Users, prisoners, women, children and youth is stressed. Kenya has an equity Tribunal for HIV and AIDS dealing civil cases which is commended.
Available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF RA643.8.A353W282 )
Aids (Disease), Patients, Prevention,, Legal status, Law and legislation, Human rights, East African Community
Wawa, J.R (2018) East african community legislative response on HIV and aids: a need for a human rights-based approach.Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam.