Characterization of factors influencing electromagnetic interference and radiation in outdoor broadband power line communication systems: a case of Tanzania electrical supply company Ltd
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The performance of BPLC technology suffers from various unsolved challenges including attenuation, reflection, radiation, noise, multipath, and notches affecting channel characteristics. This thesis identifies and characterizes factors contributing to BPLC radiation, formulates suitable model to characterize the radiation, and, lastly, devises suitable radiation mitigation mechanisms to minimize the emitted radiation. The contributions of number of nodes in the network, number of branches at the node and line length as well as load mismatch to radiation levels have been investigated culminating into a model to characterize the radiation behaviours based on Maxwell integral theory for scattering field on wire using MoM and validated using CST software as a modeling tool and live network measurements. The transmission line Bewley transient method has been used to obtain line current for different topologies. The characterization shows that an increase in line length from 100 m to 300 m results in a decrease in emitted radiation from 0.043 V/m to 0.035 V/m while an increase in the number of branches at a node and the number of nodes both increase the emitted radiation to the extent that, at a node with 4 branches the emitted field is 170 µV/m which increases to 330 µV/m when the branches increase to 10. Furthermore it has been shown that radiation increases due to mismatch at the load; for a matched load the radiated emission level was1.9 µV/m which increased to 28µV/m for short circuit load. The time reversal techniques have been applied as mitigation solution with time-reversal (TR) nulling and focusing filtering techniques showing the capability of reducing BPLC radiations by up to 20 dBV/m of emitted radiation with TR Nulling cancelling all the reflected signals.