The tender evaluation criteria in relation to roads construction projects performance in Tanzania
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university of Dar es Salaam
The research aims at establishing what is the weakness of the procurement procedures. What should be done to improve the system and measures to be taken to improve on project performance. The outcome of evaluation or award of tender can determine the future of projects directly. This research selected projects under implementation for the period 1995 to 1997 from Rural Roads Department of the Ministry of Works. Presently, in Tanzania road construction projects have increased in number over the last few years. The situation regarding the performance of construction in general has been poor. Studies done revealed that reasons for poor performance can be associated with inadequate client budget, additional work, change order and frequent variation, funding delays etc. reports available in the Ministry of Works indicated lack of equipment, qualified personnel and, frequent breakdowns of equipment were some of the main reasons for poor performance. The author still sees that the problem of non-performance could be understood properly if it analysed from procurement stage up to site. The performance of road projects was measured and indicated by comparing the planned programme and actual achievement in terms of works completed cash flow situation of the project. Information and data collected includes the essential staff (key personnel). Plants and equipment deployed for each projects, payment made to the contractor, the award recommendation by different authorities and procedures of tendering used in procurement of selected projects. Histograms and Statistical analysis were used to present the summary and analyze the data respectively. Regression analyses were used to determine the relationship, which exist between the contractor’s resources input and project performance. The results showed that more than 60% of the selected projects in the study had poor performance. The conclusion can be made that the contractor without enough equipment and key personnel will perform poorly. The evaluation procedure is not effective enough to come out with contractors likely to perform, it lacks or is not specific on how to verify the information given by contractors during bidding. Because of this weakness, contractors utilize the loophole to cheat. The contract document needs to be overhauled and tightened to cover for the loopholes in evaluation. Project implementation involves different actors with separate duties, which are interdependent. Studies done on performance are very few, which implies that more studies are needed in order to understand and cover all factors that can contribute to the problem of projects performing poorly.
Available in print form, EAF Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, (THS EAF TE175.N53)
Design and construction, Tanzania, Roads, Road construction contracts
Njolo, M.M.P (1998) The tender evaluation criteria in relation to roads construction projects performance in Tanzania, Masters dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam