factors that hinder productivity in Public Engineering Organizations: a case Study of TAZARA

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University of Dar es Salaam
Most of public engineering organizations face challenges and therefore deteriorate in terms of productivity with respect to time. The purpose of this study was to assess key factors that hinder productivity in public engineering organizations This was a descriptive study of which data were collected using questionnaire to environment. SPSS was used to run frequency distribution and Friedman test to obtain Chi-square and p-value, and correlation between variables. The study was carried out in TAZARA since it is a public engineering organization that can represent other organizations of such kind in Tanzania. This study involved 298 participants from TAZARA. About 39.6% agree that they were adequately trained to perform their jobs while 26.2% of participants disagree that professional development programs were conducted regularly. About 28.2% disagree that they were involved in decision making. Significant correlation was observed between human resources and use of Information Technology . However, 77 (25.8%) and 69 (23.2%) disagree and strongly disagree that working place environment is conducive and supports their daily operations. From Friedman test statistics, Chi-Square value was 67.346 and p -value was 0.000 showing statistical significance between working environment and productivity in public engineering organization. Factors that hinder productivity in public engineering organization were governance features, resource management practices and work environment.
Available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr.Wirbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF HB 241.T34 M875)
Production, Production engineering, Public Engineering, TAZARA, Marangu Teachers College, Tanzania
Mushi, C. E (2018) Key factors that hinder productivity in Public Engineering Organizations: a case Study of TAZARA, Masters dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam.