Performance Prediction of Electronic Energy Converters in Connection with Intermittent Energy source: With Special Attention to Wind and Insolation Energies



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University of Dar es Salaam


To encounter the problems accompanying the use of insolation energy and wind energy separately. In this thesis a new method which involves harnessing the two types of energies simultaneously in a combined manner is proposed. Since separately the two types of energies are unreliable, irregular and stochastic in nature, in the thesis. Performance prediction of electronic energy converters when operated in intermittent energy sources of wind and insolation combined has been done by simulations. To prepare the work of simulating. Simulation models for the wind energy conversion system. Insolation energy conversion system and storage batteries system were first developed. The simulation results, which involved four types of wind turbine system, one type of solar cells modules and one type of storage batteries showed that in some months when the two energy source are to a high degreed complementary, the resulting demand on storage batteries and the number of solar cells modules was reduced while in the months when the two were not, the performance prediction results were poor. To examine whether the newly proposed method was economically superior to the existing methods, a systems life-cycle counting method was used. The results showed that of the four alternative methods namely wind only, isolation only. Wind and diesel system, and a combined wind and insolation energy conversion systems taking into account the life –cycle costs of the systems for a period of twenty years, the method that of the systems for a period of twenty year, the method that used a combined wind and insolation energy conversion system was the cheapest and more reliable alternative compared to the others. Additionally in the thesis it is shown that a part from the cloudy activity, the available insolation energy throughout the year is constantly high for most places in Tanzania and that because of the technological advances. Made in the field of power electronics, solar cells and wind turbines, engineering, the energy problems in the rural areas of developing nations can eventually be weakened by employing these technologies to harness efficiently the alternative energy sources of wind and insolation simultaneously.


Available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr.Wilbert Chagula Library, class mark (THS EAF TJ825N9)


Solar energy, Wind power


Nzali, A. H. S. J (1991) Performance Prediction of Electronic Energy Converters in Connection with Intermittent Energy source: With Special Attention to Wind and Insolation Energies,Doctorial dissertation,University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam.
