A pedological study of the Ukiriguru soil catena and the classification of its units according to the taxonomy system
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A detailed pedagogical study of the Ukiriguru soil catena with the objectives of investigating its pedological features and classifying its integral components according to the soil Taxonomy system was carried out. The Ukiriguru soil catena consists of four soil types locally called Kikungu, Lusenye, Itogoro and Mbuga. The Kikungu soil type is found at the uppermost slope and Mbuga in the valley others are located in between with the Lusenye at higher elevation then the Itogoro. Among all the soil types in the catena, the Lusenye contained the highest amount of sand and the lowest amount of clay. Whereas their amounts in the Mbuga soil were reversed, the contents o sand and clay in the Kikungu and Itogoro were in between. The distribution of soil separate in different soil types was related to their sizes and the slope in the catena which probably rendered differential deposition of the separates. While the content of bases and the percentage base saturation decreased with depth in the Kikungu and Lusenye, they increased in the Itogoro and remained consistently high with depth in the Mbuga. Lateral leaching of bases from the upper components (soil types) into the lower ones of the catena is a probable reason for such variations. The content of sequioxide was highest the Kikungu and Mbuga and lowest in Itogoro and Lusenye. The silica content followed a trend almost similar to that of sand. On the basis of the diagnostic properties the integral components of the Ukiguru catena were classified according to the soil taxonomy system as follows. Kikungu as Ustropept. Lusenye as Uslipsamment. Itogoro as Tropaqualf and Mbuga as Pelustert