Assessment of the impact of climate change and variability on artisanal fishery and communities’ adaptation strategies: a case of Bagamoyo, Pangani and Kilwa Districts, Tanzania

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University of Dar es Salaam
The impact of climate change and variability are already evident in most parts of the country including coastal areas. This is witnessed though increase in sea surface temperature, changes in wind speed and direction and decrease in rainfall which affect fisheries. This study was conducted in Bagamoyo, Kilwa and Pangani Districts in Tanzania to assess the impact of climate change and variability on artisanal fishery and the adaptation strategies adopted by artisanal fishing communities. To attain its objective, the study employed a mixed methods approach where both qualitative and quantitative techniques were used. Results revealed that fishing communities are aware of climate change and variability and its associated impacts on artisanal fishery. Increased sea surface temperature and wind variability were reported to have effects on artisanal fishery and the livelihoods of fishing community in the study landing sites. They reduce fish catch and make fishing grounds inaccessible during Strong winds. Apart from the effect of sea surface temperature, wind variability and rainfall, overfishing and illegal fishing were also mentioned as the causes of the decline of fish production in all study landing sites. Therefore, artisanal fishing communities have developed various adaptation strategies including livelihood diversification, changing of fishing gears and vessels, changing of fishing grounds and conservation of fish breeding sites. However, limited access to financial services, low level of information and awareness, lack of appropriate fishing technologies, illiteracy and poverty were mentioned to lower their adaptive capacity. This study recommends an integration of issues of climate change into fisheries management in order to enhance resilience of both artisanal fishing communities and ecosystems.
Available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr.Wirbert Chagula Library, Class mark (THS EAF SH329.S53T34K548)
Artisanal fishery, Climate change, Communities, Bagamoyo, Pangani and Kilwa district, Tanzania
Kikwale, N. A (2018) Assessment of the impact of climate change and variability on artisanal fishery and communities’ adaptation strategies: a case of Bagamoyo, Pangani and Kilwa Districts, Tanzania, Masters dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam.