Institutionalizing the anti-corruption drive in Tanzania: reflections on the effectiveness of the prevention of corruption Bureau ( PCB) and the good governance coordination unit (GGCU)

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University of Dar es Salaam.
Despite existence of several anti-corruption frameworks in Tanzania, it`s widely perceived that corruption is still resilient in public service delivery. This study therefore is about government institutional approach to anti-corruption, specifically the Preventions of Corruption Bureau (PCB) and the National Anti-Corruption Strategy and action plan (NACSAP). It should be noted that a clear and open institutional anti-corruption initiative was only introduced in Tanzania towards the end of 1990s. this work therefore aimed at reflecting on what has been gained so far, what are the greatest challenges to these institutions and what are the suggestions to improve the performance of anti-corruptions institutions in the country. One of the main objectives of the study is to philosophically investigate these institutions` conception and definition of corruption as a prerequisite to designing to establishing anti-corruption national policy frameworks. The study has found that there is no clear legal and consensual definition of corruption and corruption indicators among stakeholders, so that other corrupt perceived actions cannot be legally investigated or prosecuted. The study has also found a number of structural limitations within the key anti-corruption institutions namely, PCB and GGCU which is the Institution legally mandated to oversee and monitor the implementation of the NACSAP. For instance we found that the placement of the PCB and the GGCU within the President`s office to greater extent undermines their operational autonomy.
Available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class Mark (THS EAF JF1501.M84)
Civil service, Corruption, Political corruption, Prevention of Corruption Bureau (PCB), Good Governance Cordination Unit (GGCU), Tanzania
Mulisa, G. J (2008) Institutionalizing the anti-corruption drive in Tanzania: reflections on the effectiveness of the prevention of corruption Bureau ( PCB) and the good governance coordination unit (GGCU), Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam