Legal protection of rights of consumers of electronic communication services in Tanzania
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University of Dar es Salaam.
This stud concerns protection of rights of consumers of electronic communication services. It considers electronic communication services consumer rights in the prevailing liberalized communication services consumer rights in the prevailing liberalized communications sector, characterized by competition. In the competitive environment, providers of goods and/ or services crave for profit whose realization depends on application of various means to attract customers and increase the customer base while consumers of the goods and / or services improve quality goods and/ or services at affordable prices. Provision and consumption of goods and services under the competitive environment, therefore, entangle rights of diverse social groups. Law as a social regulator must come in to balance the rights of the diverse social groups by conferring rights and providing for legal Institutions and mechanism for protection and enforcement of the consumer rights. This study proceeds on two research questions. It considers whether the electronic communication services consumer rights are confirmed by any law and; it also seeks to establish whether the rights are well protected by law. The scope of this study has encountered some practical limitations. The communication legislation concerned with electronic communication consumers are recent. The legislations and legal for protection and enforcement of the consumer rights are rather new. These factors count for a minimum number of consumer complains handle in the electronic communication services consumer complains resolution for a. conclusions of this study are based on the scope strand in the foregoing paragraph.
Available in print form, East Africana Collection, Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library, Class Mark ( THS EAF KRD.N3758)
Consumer protection, Electronic communication services, Law and legislation, Tanzania
Ndunguru, M. C. M (2008) Legal protection of rights of consumers of electronic communication services in Tanzania, Master dissertation, University of Dar es Salaam